Getting Started
Hi there.
You're probably wondering what you've stumbled upon and how to start enjoying it.
Shadow Unit is a contemporary science fiction series about a group of FBI agents struggling to protect humanity from the worst monsters imaginable. Except some of our heroes may be on the road to becoming monsters themselves....
Shadow Unit is also an experiment in creating fiction for the web; as such, it's a narrative which you as a reader can choose to engage with on a number of levels. You can subscribe to the RSS feed for new announcements, and read episodes and vignettes online or collected in ebooks—the first volume is free as a Kindle edition on Amazon and as an epub file at Smashwords.
If you crave a richer experience, portions of the Shadow Unit narrative universe are also interactive. There are character LiveJournals, where you can talk to your favorite fictional people (as long as you remember that you know more about them than you are supposed to!) and a message board where you can compare notes with fellow fans.